
nevenThe simple rules for a healthy digestive system:neven

- Sit up straight at the table
- Eat slowly and calmly
- Chew bite 25-35 times
- Don't read a book, tv, comp, when dining
- Eat several small meals a day. 3 main meals and 2 snacks
- Do not drink water during meals
- Do not drink water 30 minutes before a meal and at least one hour after

nevenThe key is 1-2 Red Delicious apples per day!neven

Believe it or not, if you take just one to two Organic Red Delicious apples per day, your health will improve by about 25% to 30%. Red Delicious apples have more antioxidants than any other apples, researchers say. The phytonutrients in red apples can help you regulate your blood sugar, improve digestion, improve liver function, have anti-cancer benefits, reduce GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease) and much more.

The cardiovascular benefits of apples are well documented in research studies, and they are closely associated with two aspects of apple nutrients: Their water-soluble fiber (pectin) content, and their unusual mix of polyphenols. Health benefits of apples have also been established for several age-related health problems, including macular degeneration of the eye and neurodegenerative problems, including Alzheimer's disease.

There are several ways how to use red apples. I recommend 1-2 whole organic fresh apples per day. Eat one apple in the morning before water, coffee or anything else, and second one 3 hours after lunch.

nevenGARLIC- one of the most powerful foodsneven

If you don't eat garlicky foods, you may be missing out on health benefits. Garlic adds flavor to your food but also contains beneficial compounds including the sulfur compound allicin, which gives garlic its pungent smell. Garlic supplements don’t have that strong small as a Garlic but don't have all of the same effects as fresh garlic.

Allicin from garlic may help kill cancer cells, according to a study published in "Nutrition and Cancer" in 2010. Many natural cancer cure protocol contain Garlic as one of the most important vegetable.

Heart Disease
Allicin may help lower your risk for heart disease in a number of ways. It seems to help keep your blood from clotting, lower your cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, form new blood cells, keep your blood vessels relaxed and prevent thickening of the heart wall, Allicin also acts as an antioxidant, keeping free radicals from damaging your cells.

Cognitive Decline
Eating garlic and increasing your intake of allicin may help keep your brain working well as you age, limiting your risk for a decline in brain function or Alzheimer's disease as you get older, according to a study published in "Neuroscience Letters" in April 2012.

Chomping down on a clove of garlic may keep your teeth healthy. It seems that the allicin in garlic can kill the bacteria that lead to cavities and gum disease, according to an article published in the "Journal of Medicinal Food" in November 2011. However, allicin is more effective against cavities than against gum disease, so a higher dose is necessary for preventing gum disease.

Garlic is one of the biggest fighter with Yeast and bacterial infections.

You may experience side effects if you eat a lot of garlic, including bad breath, body odor, upset stomach, headache and dizziness. It can also interfere with some medications, so check with your doctor before you start eating more garlic than usual, especially if you take blood thinners, birth control pills, NSAIDs, tuberculosis medications or HIV medications.
