

SCIO is computer-operated, non-invasive active diagnostic and therapeutic device. It combines bioresonance and biofeedback fields for body analysis and energy balancing.

SCIO is effective for both humans and animals. Invisible energy has been used for thousands of years for diagnosis and healing. Every cell, organ, meridian and emotion has it's own energy. Illness always starts as an energetic disturbance by toxins, parasites, and pathogens. They can be detected by the SCIO. There are various ways to prevent disease and maintain balance. Working with energy is ultimately the best and most effective form of creating wellness.

Why is Energy Medicine so important?

The first signal that something is going wrong in the body is vibration or electromagnetic damaging frequencies. The cells store these and may be unnoticed for years before manifesting as an illness. Chemical changes begin to appear and then pathogens like bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. take hold. Our lifestyles can create damaging frequencies that could be detected long before physical symptoms appear. A lack of symptoms is not a sign of perfect health.

The therapeutic effect from SCIO ranges from small to the complex, from localised tooth pain to whole body health.

What SCIO can do for you?

Recognises problematic areas in the body
Identifies and then remove the cause of stress
Tests: (allergies, spine, hormones, minerals and vitamins, etc)
Repairs any damaged organs
Clears blockages which energy flows in the body
Reduces symptoms
Helps trauma or wound healing

SCIO includes these therapies:

Homoeopathic Therapy
Rife Frequencies
Nutritional Therapy
Chakra Balancing
Allergy Desensitation
Spinal Energy Therapy
Bio-resonance Therapy
Colour Therapy
Electro Acupuncture Therapy
Brain Wave Adjustment
Trivector Adjustment Therapy
Skin Therapy
Weight Loss Therapy
Anti-aging Therapy
Energy Healing and much more

If you have:

Digestive problems
Depression or Anxiety
Respiratory problems
Urinary problems
Bones and connective tissue problems
Cardiovascular problems, etc
SCIO can help you!

Proper use of energy in this respect can heal your life!
